Wilkins Construction Services

Have a land development-related question? Wilkins Construction Services has the answer.

Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • Do you provide free estimates?

    Yes, we offer complimentary estimates for our demolition and excavation services.
  • What is the difference between land clearing and forestry mulching?

    Land clearing and forestry mulching are distinct land preparation methods. Land clearing involves complete removal of vegetation and debris, resulting in bare land, often for construction or agricultural purposes. Forestry mulching, an environmentally conscious alternative, utilizes specialized machinery to convert trees and vegetation into mulch. This mulch remains on-site, serving as a natural fertilizer, preserving soil integrity, and minimizing erosion. While land clearing can be environmentally disruptive, forestry mulching promotes sustainable land use and ecosystem health.
  • What are the benefits of forestry mulching?

    Forestry mulching offers numerous advantages. It enhances soil quality by breaking down organic matter, naturally controls weeds, prevents erosion, and is cost-effective compared to traditional clearing methods. This environmentally friendly approach preserves wildlife habitats, reduces fire risks, and allows for faster land clearing. Forestry mulching is versatile, applicable in various scenarios such as land development, trail creation, and storm damage restoration. Additionally, it provides an aesthetically pleasing, natural appearance while maintaining functionality.

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